Tower and Antenna

The transmit antenna typically is mounted on a pole or small tower which is bracketed to a building, or supported by guy wires. The size and shape of the antenna vary depending on the channel and pattern of intended signal dispersion. Some antennas are designed to spread the signal around evenly; others are directional, concentrating some of the available energy to a narrow focus. This helps reach out to more distant viewers. Some of the ARCS stations have more than one of the directional antennas; these use a power divider to send some of the signal to one antenna, and some to another. Lots of villages in Alaska have a long narrow shape, usually following along a coastline, river bank, or highway. With the station centrally located, an “array” of antennas can send the signal in these different directions. So, if you can see ARCS on one side of town, and not the other, we can use antennas to help solve the problem.

The antenna cables used to connect the transmitter to the antenna(s) must be in good condition in order for the transmitter to work efficiently. If the cable has nicks, cuts, kinks, or multiple splices from past repairs, it will not allow the entire signal from the transmitter’s amplifier to reach the antenna. The transmit antenna cable may look similar to other types of cable, but it isn’t, so do not make unauthorized repairs or replacements as that could damage the transmitter, and possibly hurt someone.

NOTE: Climbing towers and working with antenna’s can be dangerous, so please do not attempt your own repairs; contact our technical support office at 888-840-0013.